On the other hand

On the other hand, no study has examined Increasing the heart rate may increase cardiac output. On the other hand, slowing the heart rate may also improve, cardiac efficiency by allowing time for the heart chambers to fill.


Besides indicating a correlation between X and Y, the data suggest that…


Alternatively, the data could be viewed as being indicative of… An alternative perspective…

In spite of

In spite of this, the findings proved problematic The social model of disability remains integral to disability studies research, in spite of the previous discussion of its limitations… In spite of much new knowledge about the role of…


Despite the presence of ATP inside the cell, sufficient free calcium ions are also needed in order to facilitate muscle contraction Despite these methodological limitations, the approach is justifiable on the grounds that… Despite these findings, there has been little progress in…


Although, it is important to consider… Although exclusion of X did not …, these results should be interpreted with caution. Although findings from more recent research have shown that…